The Weekly Face Puncher: Natareno to be Released from Face Punchers...Possibly

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Natareno to be Released from Face Punchers...Possibly

The Face Punchers front office is currently in talks with 5th string center, Elder Natareno and his agent, about his future with the team. Natareno, an ex-gang leader was signed to the Face Punchers after being discovered in his hometown of East L.A running from La Migra, only a few weeks ago. But his failure to attend games and practices has caused the front office and team members much anguish.

"We recruited Elder, or Little Puppet as he's known to his homies, with alot of excitement. We felt his experience as a gang leader and his ability to run, would be a benefit to the team, but his absence at games has been a real hindrance to the players", replied Jim McFadden, co-founder of the team. "Besides that, we signed the guy as a receiver 'cause we thought that since he was Mexican, he could run......pinche Mexican, little did I know, he was better off bending over", McFadden mumbled while walking away from reporters.

When reporters caught up to Natareno to ask about the matter, he exclaimed that his girlfriend was the reason for his absences.
"You see, I've got this girlfriend and as you may not know, she wears the pants in the relationship. I mean, shit, the only reason I'm here talking to you right now is because she gave me permission!", Natareno said. "and she beats me up too!"

Omar Nash, the Head Coach of the Face Punchers was on hand to discuss the situation.
"We really liked his potential as a player, but as a person, not so much", he said, "we are, however, in talks with his girlfriend about filling a position at linebacker......I mean shit!, if she's as tough as he says she is, she might be worth signing!".

The Face Punchers would love to have Natareno at his usual position, but if his failure to appear at games continue, he may be deported.

The Face Punchers are scheduled to play this Sunday at Ocean Beach.


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