Aaron Brodeur: This Weeks Featured Face Puncher

This week, the San Francisco Chronicle would like to bring you up close and personal with Aaron Brodeur. Mr. Brodeur is a starting receiver for the Face Punchers and here is what he had to say.
SFC: Aaron, we are very happy that you could make it here today. We would like to start off with a few questions about yourself.
Now, is it true that you and your roommate have bunk beds?
AB: It sure is. My roommate and I share a room and sleep in bunk beds. We really enjoy it.
SFC: Which one of you has the top bunk?
AB: That would be me.
SFC: Do you actually use the step ladder to get to the top?
AB: Yes, I do. I never step on the top rung though, because as everyone knows, the top rung is not a step.
SFC: What possesed you and your roommate to get bunk beds?
AB: Well, we were going to get racecar beds and place them next to each other, but we decided that it would take up too much room. So instead, we opted for the bunk beds. It allows for more space and we can still make the racecar sounds.
SFC: When there is a thunderstorm, which one of you crawls into bed with the other?
AB: That all depends. But most of the time, it's me crawling into bed with him.
SFC: Thats very strange. Do you also have a pair of pajamas with the feet.
AB: Sure do. It also has an opening for my ass.
SFC: Mr. Brodeur, how is your season going so far with the Face Punchers?
AB: It's going very well. I think the coaches are satisfied with my playing ability. As you know, we are in first place and things couldn't get any better. We play this Sunday and right now, we are just preparing for a good match.
SFC: Aaron, once again, we thank you for sitting down with us today. Good luck this Sunday.
AB: Thanks.
This interview was made possible by:
Sara the Peradontist
"Adam prefers the teeth, and so should you"
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