The Weekly Face Puncher: David DeChantal: This Weeks Featured Face Puncher

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

David DeChantal: This Weeks Featured Face Puncher

For this week, the San Francisco Chronicle would like to introduce David DeChantal. A quarterback/receiver for the San Francisco Face Punchers. We sat down with Mr. DeChantal and here is what he had to say.

SFC: David, how has the season been so far?

DD: It's gone real well for me. I've made a lot of good plays this season and i think Coach Nash is very happy with my performance.

SFC: Are you and fellow face puncher Aaron Brodeur fucking?

DD: Yes we are, and I think he's been very happy with my performance as well.

SFC: Many people think your a bit cocky during game time. What do you have to say about that?

DD: Well. They're right. I am full of cock.

SFC: Now, from what we understand, your having sexual relations with another face puncher, besides Aaron Brodeur. How does Aaron feel about that?

DD: I've spoken to him about it and for right now, he's fine with it. We try to get him involved as well, but i believe he's involved with his roommate.

SFC: You have another big game coming up this weekend. Do you plan to do anything different than you have in the past?

DD: Not at all. Just completeing some passes and playing hard.

SFC: David, we wish you luck this weekend.

This interview was brought to you by:

Jessica, Professional Skincare Therapist
"Because caring for your skin is important, and so is riding Carlos's cock"
The Tenderloin
San Francisco, CA 94102


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