McBride Arrested for Crimes of Passion

It seems that another scandal has hit the Face Punchers, but this time it's personal. Adam McBride, starting fullback, was arrested and charged earlier this week for what authorities are calling a "crime of passion".
Sources say that this past Sunday, while celebrating the engagement of fellow Face Puncher Carlos Morin, McBrides lady friend "hugged and was affectionate" with a black man. That black man was Anthony Green, the newest recruit to the Face Punchers organization.
Green, who has a liking for "white women" was also celebrating the special event when he spotted the unavailable girlfriend, walked over and "spit game", as he calls it, to the woman. The two hugged for a moment, making McBride furious.
Witnesses say that after the party was over, Green and McBride departed the building for what insiders say was a friendly cockfight. Confused at the lack of yardbirds, witnesses followed to find both men with their dicks out, violently swinging them at each other.
When it appeared that Green had McBride in a "knot", a move in which one dick overpowers the other cutting off significant circulation, McBride shouted profanities, which eventually led to a brawl. When authorities arrived, Green unknotted his cock and escaped into the Tenderloin leaving McBride to face the music.
Sources also state that McBride is an active Ku Klux Klan member and this year, is in the running for "Grand Wizard". If elected, he will be expected to serve at least 4 years.
Authorities believe that his beliefs were brought into play which caused the assault.
McBride, seen here in his mug shot, was booked into the San Francisco jail. His bail was set at $250,000.
It is unknown whether or not McBride or Green will be available for Sundays game.
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